
Command Description Permission needed
about Displays information about the bot None (Public)
ban Ban a specified user Ban users, Administrator
dice Throws a virtual dice None (Public)
flipacoin A simple coin flip None (Public)
help Prints the help menu None (Public)
infinitydice Rolls a virtual dice with configurable amount of sides None (Public)
invite Sends the invite link for the bot None (Public)
inviteblocker Allows you to block sending of server invites Administrator
kick Kick a specified user Kick users, Administrator
license Allows management of owned licenses None (Public)
links Returns the bot's useful links None (Public)
linkwarn Set up a channel to receive warns when users send links Manage Server
nitrogen Generates Discord nitro (No rickroll) None (Public)
nuke Main command for nuking channels Manage Messages / Manage Channel, Administrator
ping Shows the bot's latency None (Public)
purge Allows to delete a specific amount of messages Manage Messages, Manage Channel, Administrator
restrict Allows to restrict commands to specific roles Administrator
shardcalc Allows to calculate the shard of a server None (Public)
support Gives you the support server invite None (Public)
warn Warn a user Kick members / Manage Server