Discord bot privacy policy

Feature What is stored? Why is it stored? How long is it stored? / When is it deleted?
Executed slash commands Command, guild ID, user ID Tracing of abuse in case of exploits, amount of daily executed commands 1 week or, in case of a recent exploit, until everything is cleared up
InviteBlocker Guild ID, whitelisted roles' IDs Needed to make the feature work properly Deleted when disabling the feature
LinkWarns Guild ID, whitelisted roles' IDs, ID of channel to send warnings in, IDs of roles to ping on warning Needed to make the feature work properly Deleted when disabling the feature
Premium system ID of the guild the premium key is activated on, ID of the user owning the key Needed to make the feature work properly Deleted when a premium key expires
Role restrictions Guild ID, name of the command, whitelisted roles' IDs Needed to make the feature work properly Deleted when disabling the feature
Warns Guild ID, ID of warned user, ID of user executing the warn command, reason for warn, internal ID of warn (not Discord associated, only for having unique identifiers) Needed to make the feature work properly Deleted when warn gets removed